Elizabeth VanSteenhouse received a vision from God that her husband Jim would become a man of God, and a preacher of the word. She prayed 5 years for Jim to become that man, when it looked like this vision would never come true the Bear attack happened. The changes in Jim and the changes in their marriage are nothing short of miraculous; a testimony to the power of a praying woman and the working of the Holy Spirit in a married couple. Jim and Elizabeth travel together now ministering to couples through their testimony and the biblical teachings that have transformed their marriage and family life.

There is Hope and Healing for your Marriage
Jim and Elizabeth are available to minister at your event or church.
Elizabeth and Jim share their powerful testimony of their marriage miracle together. They both share where they were struggling in their roles as partners spiritually and how the Lord changed them. They are honest, transparent and relatable. Together the Lord has spoken through them and brought healing and hope to couples. Elizabeth is a gifted speaker and powerful minister to women, addressing the strongholds that women face and bringing the grace and the power of God to break those strongholds.
Jim speaks to men about servant leadership in your marriage and home. He shares how the Lord broke him of pride and hypocrisy to make him a better husband and father.